Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Denver, CO – Again today, shadowy groups doing the bidding of Ken Buck spun more lies about Jane Norton.
In a robocall paid for by American Legacy Alliance, special interests attacked Jane Norton for her record on immigration reform, even though Norton has publicly opposed amnesty and has received the endorsement of America’s most prominent advocate of immigration enforcement.

The robodial accuses Jane Norton of siding with Democrats, but mysteriously doesn’t cite an example of when, what, or how. Listen to the call here.

“These are blatant lies from the backers of a losing candidate in the last days of the campaign,” said Norton spokesperson Cinamon Watson. “For weeks, Ken Buck has been explaining his caught-on-camera, profanity-laced tirades, and his supporters are trying to change the debate. Colorado voters will not be fooled.”

Just this weekend, the foremost leader on the immigration debate, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, endorsed Jane Norton. Listen to Governor Brewer's full endorsement here.

“It's my pleasure to endorse Jane Norton. Jane is a conservative, a fighter, and a leader in the push to secure our borders,” said Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Brewer continued, “Jane will fight Barack Obama's heavy-handed and unconstitutional attempt to block Arizona's landmark immigration law. She supports the right of states like Arizona and Colorado to do what the federal government hasn't – fight back against illegal immigration – and that's why I'm honored and excited to support Jane Norton.”

Watson continued, “Ken Buck has been anything but honest with the voters, and these shadowy groups are following in his footsteps. Bottom line – do you trust Governor Jan Brewer, who is leading the fight on immigration, or do you trust another Buck secret committee?”