Jan states, “ Adams County has been my home for the past 45 years, and it distresses me to see the negative publicity the County is receiving. We need change, and I feel my political and community experience will bring a positive change to the Board of County Commissioners."
Jan is known for her honesty and integrity. She served six years as Brighton Council Member and was Mayor Pro Tem during 4 of those years. She then served as Brighton 's Mayor for eight years. In addition to her service in Brighton, she represented Adams County as board member on the DIA Partnership, as board member of Adams County Economic Development and on the board of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. She is currently serving on the Adams County Cultural Council.
During her tenure as Mayor of Brighton, the city was financially sound. The Mayor and Council carefully oversaw budget expenditures and never experienced fraudulent bid activity. During those 14 years of political service, the population of Brighton grew from 14,500 to 34,000 – growth that made sound leadership essential to the community.
Jan was instrumental in founding the Brighton Recreation Center and Downtown Redevelopment. She supported the new Platte Valley Medical Center, the redevelopment of the former hospital site, and was active in establishing a cultural center anchored by the renovation of the 1921 Armory building. During her term as Mayor she was also instrumental in multiple economic development projects, including both the Prairie Center and Vestas wind systems that added many new jobs. Overall, 2300 new jobs were added during her tenure as Mayor.
Jan firmly believes “ Adams County is a great place to live, work and play and we need to attain this image.”