Saturday, January 21, 2012

Commerce City Resident Donnia Howell Announces Intent for ADCO Commissioner Seat

Donnia Howell
Donnia Howell, resident of Commerce City’s northern range, is announcing her bid for the Adams County Commissioner seat in District 2 in the November 2012 election. Donnia recently graduated with her Juris Doctor from the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law. She is the wife of Byron Howell. They have been married for twelve years.

Donnia is not a career politician but is aware of recent issues in Adams County that have made us all wonder about our government’s integrity. She wants to be the change that we all want to see.
As a ten year resident of Adams County and a mother of a five year old son, Donnia believes that the choice she has in front of her is to either sit back and complain about what is happening, or take a stand and do what she can to change it for the better, for all of us.

She is very concerned about wasted tax dollars, lack of transparency, and accessibility for citizens so that their voices are actually heard. She believes that the county government has a large impact on the quality of life in our community and wants to be the breath of fresh air that most voters are hoping for in the upcoming election.

Donnia is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, voter, tax payer, and neighbor just like all of us. She believes one does not need to be a career politician in order to effect a change in government. She wants what is good and right. She wants the county run with integrity, and she wants to make sure as things from the past are overcome, that they stay on the right track going forward. Donnia is confident her education and experience will aid in facilitating a clean, transparent, and accountable government.

Donnia is originally from Holland, Michigan and has a B.S. in Business and an M.A. in Gerontology from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. Her father is a retired pastor and her mother is a counselor.

If you would like to share your concerns with Donnia, please feel free to send her an email at