Perlmutter stated, "I want to thank all the brave men and women who served our country with honor over the past eight years. You return to your families as heroes. Today marks a time to remember the thousands of troops who gave their lives and were injured in the line of duty. I had the opportunity to travel to Iraq and saw firsthand the professionalism and sacrifice our troops displayed in helping to create a democracy in the Middle East region. I opposed this war and commend the President for honoring his pledge to remove all of our troops from Iraq by the end of this year. The future of Iraq is now in the hands of the Iraqi people.
As our men and women in uniform return home, we must never forget our responsibility to provide them with the benefits they earned. For me, this means making sure construction of the new VA Hospital at Fitzsimons in Aurora continues without any further delays. Soon veterans from all over the Rocky Mountain region will have a new world class hospital to ensure they receive the medical care they deserve. Most importantly, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I would like to say Welcome Home!"