Senator Morse offered the following comment on the need to stop gun violence today:
"A week ago, a sex offender used a gun he wasn't legally allowed to own to murder Jay Sheridan, a police officer in Limon. I'm proud that our state passed some tough laws after Columbine. But until we have a real background check system that keeps guns away from criminals and unbalanced people, this will happen again and again."
The event kicked off the “Fix Gun Check Truck's” two-day tour through Colorado. The truck team will meet with families across the state whose lives have been touched by gun violence. More than 6,500 Coloradans and 250,000 Americans have signed a petition supporting the Fix Gun Checks plan to keep firearms from falling into the hands of dangerous individuals. The Fix Gun Checks Truck was launched after the Tucson shootings by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a coalition of more than 550 mayors that includes Denver Mayor Bill Vidal and Boulder Mayor Susan Osborne.