Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter hailed passage of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act – legislation to put veterans to work, create jobs for America’s men and women in uniform, and strengthen our nation’s economy. After pressure from Democrats in Congress, House Republican leaders had no choice but to bring President Obama’s veterans jobs bill to the floor for a vote. The legislation already passed the Senate, and the President is expected to sign it.
“Our troops stand strong for us every day -- preserving our safety and protecting our values, said Perlmutter. “The VOW to Hire Heroes Act fulfills our commitment to serve our men and women in uniform as well as they served us.”
Part of President Obama’s American Jobs Act, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act expands opportunity for our veterans by creating the Hiring Heroes and Wounded Warriors tax credits to encourage businesses to hire service members and those with service-related disabilities. It incorporates proposals to boost hiring for veterans and provide them with the training they need to find a job in civilian life.
With this bill, America can welcome our soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and Coast Guardsmen back into their communities as entrepreneurs, small business owners, and workers.
“ America ’s service members are highly-skilled; they demonstrated enormous leadership in the heat of battle; and their service should be honored with good jobs and decent wages when they come home,” Perlmutter added.
Passing this Veterans' jobs bill is a step in the right direction. For 314 days, Washington Republicans are still failing to offer a clear jobs agenda for all Americans, however. Americans can’t wait. Perlmutter continues to call on on Washington Republicans to support the rest of the American Jobs Act which will put people to work here in our country, strengthen our small businesses, and grow our economy.