In May, the Adams County Board of Commissioners introduced a seven-point reform plan designed to end corruption in the county and usher in a new era of good government.
Adams County Administrator Jim Robinson notes that the promised reform package has also demonstrated to county employees that the county supports them in reporting acts of alleged wrongdoing. The indictment against Asay was made possible because county employees came forward to report allegations to investigators.
Asay is criminally charged with 21 counts of theft, three counts of attempt to influence a public servant, one count of embezzlement of public property and one count of first-degree official misconduct. All are based on allegations of misconduct while he was the county’s Public Works director. Filed by 17th Judicial District Attorney Don Quick, the indictment alleges Asay misused county personnel and equipment to complete work for which Adams County was paying Quality Paving.
Yesterday’s indictment follows a civil racketeering suit filed in federal court in August by Adams County, accusing Asay and others of cheating taxpayers out of more than $8 million that was supposed to be spent on road paving and resurfacing.
Although Asay is presumed innocent until proven guilty, county officials believe the indictment further reinforces that corrupt acts by public servants will no longer be tolerated in Adams County and that they are committed to hold accountable those public servants who have exploited their positions for financial gain for themselves and others.
The Board of County Commissioners, County Administrator Jim Robinson and county employees will not be able to issue further statements because they may be called to testify in these cases.