Monday, August 29, 2011

Adams County School District #14 Candidates for Board Director

For the November 1, 2011, Coordinated Election, three directors will be elected for terms of office of four years. The following candidates include:

Larry Quintana (Incumbent)
William J. Klocker (Incumbent)
Anita Mercado*
Mary Morton*
Michael Dale Bryant
Angel Anderson
David J. Rolla

*Added after disqualified signatures were found to be good.

In Adams 14, all candidates are vying to represent the entire school district. There are no wards or districts represented by individual Board members. All members act on behalf of the Adams 14 citizenry.

For questions about the Adams 14 Board of Education election process, contact Assistant Secretary to the Board of Education Monica Avina at 303.853.3205 or