Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today, Mark Udall urged his Senate colleagues to follow his lead and vote for the DREAM Act. While the bill failed because it was filibustered by opponents, Udall will continue to support efforts to pass it so that all young people can earn the opportunity to realize the American dream.

Udall released the following statement:

“This is an important issue that affects the lives of so many young people who only want the opportunity to live the American dream – and know of no other home than the United States. This bill would have enabled high-achieving students the opportunity to further their education or fight for our country. Many military leaders agree that passing this legislation would help strengthen our military by giving these young men and women the chance to serve in the armed forces.

“Today’s vote should have been an opportunity to put politics aside, but instead some will use it as a political tool to further divide our country.”

“Este es un asunto de suma importancia para todos los jóvenes en este país que tan solo quieren una oportunidad de vivir el sueño Americano – y que consideran este país su patria. La ley hubiese provisto a jóvenes que han demostrado buena conducta y logro escolar la oportunidad de asistir a la universidad o luchar por nuestro país. Muchos líderes militares han confirmado que esta ley hubiese fortalecido nuestro servicio militar al darles a estos jóvenes la oportunidad de servir en las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos.

“El voto hoy fue una oportunidad de poner la política a un lado, pero en lugar de eso, algunos lo utilizarán como herramienta política para dividir nuestro país.”