Thursday, July 22, 2010

Denver Post Exposed

POSTED BY: Nancy Hopper, Campaign Manager via McInnis Campaign Website

In an article today, the Denver Post was caught falsely reporting that Scott McInnis had plagiarized a Washington Post article. Below is an email from Daryl Plunk, the analyst who the Denver Post claimed was plagiarized by McInnis-dispelling the allegation and refuting the Post for their shabby journalism. Note that if you scroll down you will see an original email from the Denver Post to Mr. Plunk asking him to comment on a story they've already written-they even included a link to the story on their website!
Mr. Plunk also joined Caplis and Silverman on their radio show to discuss the Post, that interview can be heard by clicking here.

From: "Daryl Plunk"

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 15:56:36 -0400

To: Hubbard, Curtis

Subject: Re: Query from Denver Post

Dear Mr. Hubbard,

I write to you with respect to your July 14 article and the related editorial which make reference to my past writings and your untrue allegations that gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis may have plagiarized my work.

First, I note that no one from the Denver Post contacted me prior to publishing these scurrilous claims. So, I express to you my outrage that your newspaper would publish such claims and information about me without contacting me in advance. It seems to me highly discourteous and unethical for a news organization to practice such shabby journalism.

Next, let me wholly and unequivocally dispel your untrue suggestions that my works may have been plagiarized. If your colleagues had bothered to follow basic professional journalistic ethics by contacting me, I would have set the story straight.

In short, during the 1994-1995 period in question, I was actively communicating with various US Congressional offices in my capacity as an Asian affairs analyst at a major Washington, DC non-profit think tank. I got to know Rep. McInnis and key members of his staff at that time, and I found that I generally agreed with the Congressman's views on US-Korea relations.

Your paper's article takes aim at a 1994 op-ed article and a 1995 House Floor speech by Rep. McInnis. The Congressman's staff invited my input into both of those written works, and I was pleased to contribute to them in the editorial process. So while some of the words there indeed are mine, they surely are not "plagiarized". I was very pleased and proud to have advised and assisted Congressman McInnis on those two straight-forward policy analyses.

With record now set straight for you, I trust you can understand my dismay over this outrageous travesty by your newspaper. I will look forward to hearing about and seeing what steps you might take to correct the record.

Daryl M. Plunk

----- Original Message -----

From: Hubbard, Curtis

To: Daryl Plunk

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:56 AM

Subject: Query from Denver Post

I'm trying to track down the Daryl M. Plunk who used to work at the Heritage Foundation, as it appears that former congressman Scott McInnis may have plagiarized work that should have been attributed to you . Are you the right contact?

Curtis Hubbard
Political Editor
(303) 954-1405