Sunday, July 25, 2010

Adams County Voters will have Third Choice for Sheriff, James R. Fariello

In the upcoming two thousand and ten elections, the voters of Adams County will have a third choice for the Office of Adams County Sheriff. James R. Fariello, a life long law enforcement officer and resident of Adams County has accepted the nominated by the American Constitution Party as their party candidate for Adams County Sheriff. On May 15, 2010 the American Constitution Party endorsed this candidate for this third party choice in this election. James is a life long resident of Colorado with the past 40 years mostly being spent in Adams County. James has in the past been a candidate for the office of Adams County Sheriff as a Republican. That election bid was made against William Shear in a past Adams County Election for Sheriff. James also ran as a candidate of the Republican Party for the Office of Coroner in Adams County in two different past elections against Jack Dewey.

James R. Fariello at this time also proudly announces his choice for a running mate to be his Under Sheriff. Mr. Cory Voorhis, a former ICE Senior Special Agent has accepted the challenge to be his associate and second in command. Cory has a similar background and training in field of law enforcement. Both men are well qualified to be the guiding force of the Adams County Sheriff’s Department and highly compliment each other as a team. Cory has the same base core values as James and these two gentlemen will be a team to be reckoned with. With this type of outstanding leadership at the Adams County Sheriffs’ Department the voters in 2010 will have a team devoted to them. Anyone that love justice, respect human rights and fair play and want to have their elected officials be held totally responsible and accountable to them will vote for this team. Voters that believe in the Federal and State Constitutions will find this team very hard to overlook when those basic rights are threatened by elected bureaucrats that fight to take away your God given rights. In 2010 your best choice for Sheriff in the Adams County will be James R. Fariello.

The third choice has been missing in past elections but is now available for your consideration and your vote in 2010. Your vote will not be thrown away by voting for a third choice candidate for change but will reflect a growing concern for elected official to represent those that elected them. All promises made will be kept and the oath of office that will be kept will be kept and held in the highest esteem. It appears that elected Federal and State politicians that were empowered by voters in the last election want to take away your basic rights in the name of security. Do they know what is best for you or do you know what is best you and your family? You are the only one that knows what is best for you and your loved ones. We will be there to fight for you and your rights. Ask the hard questions of all the candidates and go for your feeling of real security.

James R. Fariello and Cory Voohis respectfully thank you for taking the time to consider them as your choice for a back to basics in law enforcement in the 2010 election. The voters will regain control of this local office that is so essential in protecting so many basic rights that are under attack buy special interest groups and officials that could care less about you and your rights. Keep up the movement for change and elect James R. Fariello Sheriff in Adams County in 2010.

Campaign Website: CLICK HERE